
Sound Healing

During a group sound healing session, you lie down covered with a blanket. After an opening breath technique that releases tension and calms your mind, you listen to sounds and tones played on musical instruments for the remainder of the session. The musician plays repetitive rhythms and melodies on various instruments while you enter a relaxing and meditative state of mind. The sounds and vibrations interact not only with your physical body but also with the energetic body, known as prana in Eastern Philosophy. Prana can affect your physical condition because it operates on a higher level than the physical body. Sound healing has the ability to restore and strengthen this field by exposing you to appropriate sounds, frequencies, and vibrations. It connects us with our inner wisdom, capable of natural healing, which has an immediate positive impact on our physical and mental health.

Guided Sound Meditation

Guided sound meditation combines breathing techniques, guided meditation/visualization, and recorded songs accompanied by music instruments to enhance calmness and relaxation. You assume the same position as in the previous session, but in this one, you'll hear more spoken words. The musician provides instructions for visualization and meditation, with music serving as a companion for your journey. A gentle instructions allows you to enter into a meditative state of mind, where you focus on the guided topic (breathing, parts of your body, feelings, emotions, or images and fantasies). 

Active Sound Relaxation

Active Sound Relaxation is a variation for those who prefer creative group activities. The main difference is that you participate by playing musical instruments (various percussion instruments easy to handle – bongos, claves, maracas, shakers, rattles, and the professional instruments mentioned above), or by singing, dancing, acting, or painting, depending on the session's topic. It's suitable for anyone who wants to engage in playful musical activities to enhance their musical abilities and perhaps practice self-expression in a group setting in a natural and enjoyable way, without formal teaching or evaluation.

Online reservation 

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