About Sound Healing

Sound healing is an alternative form of music therapy, which, in simplified terms, means healing through the use of music. Both not only make you feel better but also improve your health and inner state. Nevertheless, there is a difference between them. The easiest way to explain it is that music therapy has a therapeutic aim for each session based on medical principles (e.g., for people in hospitals in convalescence after illness or injury, etc.), while sound healing mainly works with your energetic body to rebalance your nervous system and provide emotional release and deep rest. 

Power of MusicEmotions vs. Healing

Music has been a part of human life for over thousands of years (the oldest musical instrument – a simple flute – is dated back 50,000-60,000 years) and has been used for many various purposes such as rituals and religious ceremonies, later for other special occasions and celebrations, or simply for entertainment. People have recognized that music brings something special that is sometimes more profound than words.


A great example of the power of music is listening to your favorite tunes. Surely, you have experienced the magical transformation of your mood and feelings during or after listening to your favorite music or song. A cheerful song with a higher tempo and regular rhythm can immediately enhance your mood, boosting it to the highest point, making you feel excited, full of energy, carefree, and less stressed.

On the opposite side, sad songs can also have a profound effect. During difficult times, such as after a breakup or when facing personal troubles, sad songs can help you deal with your sadness or pain. Just by hearing them, you can find it easier to release your emotions.

This is the real effect and great impact of music. It affects our mood and emotions so strongly that it has the ability to genuinely help us. However, not everything you hear is healing. That is the other aspect of music and its use in sound healing.


The application of music as medicine is a very old concept that has spread throughout history, from the oldest oriental civilizations, Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome, to native tribes all over the world. Many scientific studies from the 20th century until now have officially proven that music not only affects our mood but also has the ability to heal.

What does this mean? By using specific music, musical instruments, soothing sounds and pleasant vibrations, we can affect the brain and calm our nervous system. When treatment is applied correctly, brain waves slow down, shifting to an alpha or theta state. This induces a deeper state of relaxation, slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, deepening and regularizing breathing, and triggering the release of happiness hormones such as endorphins.

Healing music has its own parametersrepetitive rhythm, soft soothing sounds, simple melodies, slower tempo, lower volume and may include singing without words, just as intonation. These combinations can be heard together or separately.

Instruments used in live practices are often ethnic or specialized. Tibetan singing bowls, shamanic frame drums, Native American flutes, gongs, rainsticks, rattles, shakers, as well as modern instruments like steel-tongue drums, wave drums, and koshi chimes, are commonly used. Ethnic instruments create very natural "old" sounds that are familiar to our ears, much like the sounds of nature we carry deep in our subconscious.

After practicing sound healing techniques, you may experience increased inner energy, improved cognitive functions and creativity, reduced tension, stress, and anxiety levels, fewer feelings of depression or pain, and, last but not least, better sleep quality.

Why Choose and Practice Sound Healing

The main benefit of sound healing sessions and activities performed by experienced musicians or music therapists is that you are guided by professionals, allowing you to experience deep rest and relaxation. It's all about you; you don't need to do anything except lie down and enjoy the journey. You listen to live music and sounds, making your experience much stronger and deeper compared to recorded music. You don't need to search for appropriate meditations, choose special soothing music, or buy expensive musical instruments. Everything is already prepared for you. 

This is an effortless and highly effective way to care for yourself  

...your body, soul, and spirit...

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